EAP2 051

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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Coral feefs in the Florida Keys

Argumentative Essay

Coral reefs are important to our life because they are the home of many million fishes and other species. Coral reefs with fishes and other species make a coral reefs ecosystem. There are not only many maritime organisms living depended on coral reefs, but also human tourism industries and seafood industries depend on coral reefs for the economy. Unfortunately, human activities cause many impacts that threaten coral health, such as ships hit coral reefs. For example, in 1993 to 1994, there were about 500 ships grounding in the Florida Keys. (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10). In the Florida Keys, there are more than “three million people who visit the keys” (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10), because many tourists like the clean water and beautiful coral reefs and fishes. But too many tourists cause local residents to build more ships, ports, and other facilities for entertainments, which had cause coral reefs that face threat.
In the Florida Keys depend on many beautiful coral reefs that bring to local economy such as tourism and food industries, and is one of the Earth most important ecosystem, but recent years the Keys coral death has been occurring so suddenly and rapidly, we should get to the bottom of the dying coral reef ecosystem.
To begin with, local residents should know how important the coral reef ecosystem is. Because local residents earn the money from tourists who come to the Keys for clean seawater, and amazing coral reefs and fishes. If humans destroyed the coral ecological balance, may be the Florida Keys would not have people willing to come. Because of a coral ecological imbalance, coral reefs don’t have good health or died, and then many fishes and other species would leave or died. At the same time, the Keys will not attract tourists who come again. According to the news writer of States News Service, coral reefs supply about “$375 billion to the world economy or more $3 billion to Florida per year from recreation, tourism, food, pharmaceuticals, and other purposes” (2004, par. 1), so the coral reefs are very important to coastal economical future.
Laws should strongly limit the over-development in the Florida Keys to protect the coral reefs. Over-development can affect coral reefs ecosystem because airports, ports and hotels can threaten the coral reefs. For example, wastewater from hotel through river into sea impacts coral and fish health. Marine life must have clean seawater because fishes get disease, and then human eat them that also damage to human health. The Florida Keys seems too crowded because there are “three million people who visit the keys, and more than 80,000 people who live full time” (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10), in the small area with many people cause many pollution. So, people should make the law to reducing developments and pollutions in the Keys.
Finally, reducing human activities can be less threat to effect coral reefs ecosystem, such ship drives through shallow waters along the coast of coral reefs areas, and divers should learn how to avoid harming the coral reefs. For example, “snorkelers standing on coral and destructive fishing methods” (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10). So I think like fish man, snorkelers and divers should learn about how to care for coral reefs.
In conclusion, coral reefs are very important things for human life, so we should protect them. Stopping over-development is a better way to protect coral reefs.

Posted by Yen


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