EAP2 051

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Friday, February 25, 2005

“Bambi has outgrown the forest, and alternatives for control are elusive, inefficient or unpleasant"

I have read about an article called “Bambi has outgrown the forest, and alternatives for control are elusive, inefficient or unpleasant,” and I have found that there is a big problem about it and there are also many people concern about the white-tailed deer destiny. In the North East of the U.S especially in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, New Jersey, Wisconsin, New York and Massachusetts the white-tailed deer are overwhelming their habitat over these parts of the United States. People have many deer-auto collisions and each year more that 29,000 human injuries and the vehicle repair costs are too high. As a result, there is an enigma about what we should do with the deer and what is the best option for the species. Some of the possible solutions are:
1. Reintroduce natural predators
2. Kill some
3. Immunocontraceptives (birth control)
4. Relocation
5. Combination bait and shoot plans
6. Surgical sterilization

However, those solutions results hard to go over because of many reasons, for example the birth control have limited effectiveness and it includes high costs. The relocation is not an option because it is stressful for the deer. To introduce natural predators, which is where we life, we have to teach people about how to deal with it and study about it too, because people could be killed. About the combination of bait and plants have low public acceptance. The surgical sterilization is expensive.

I think the best solution could be to reintroduce natural predators. I know that is hard and dangerous because there is where we life and where we interact with everything, but we are humans and we should be able to learn about how to deal with predators and how to be away from those areas, or what to do in those cases, we suppose to have the capacity of learn easier than animals. In addition, in order to develop we should use more our brain and cooperate with the alternatives which will define the white-tailed deer destiny.

If you want to know more about deers “clik here” !!!!



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