EAP2 051

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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Coral reefs in the Florida Keys

In the Florida Keys, there is so much amazing beautiful scenery, such as coral reefs, fishes, sea turtles, and other species. Every year, many tourists travel to the Keys to enjoy these beautiful things. Unfortunately, these beautiful marine lives are under danger because their home, coral reefs are dying. The main reasons for` dying coral are overfishing, pollutions, overfishing, habitat destruction, sedimentation, sewage discharge, eutrophication, oil pollution, outbreak of sea anemone, coral bleaching, and over-development on coast. These threats are from human activities that damaged the coral reefs ecosystem and had already caused a lot of coral reefs to die. So, we need to do some things to protect the valuab0.le coral reefs. For example, tourists should pay the fee for cleaning beach, and sea. Everyone can do some thing for decreasing greenhouse gases to reduce global effect. Such as, avoiding use fuel that can reduce carbon dioxide. Laws can be made more effective to ban pollutions into sea and overfishing.


Coral reefs are important to our life and marine life because they are the home of many million fishes and other species. Coral reefs with fishes and other species make a coral reefs ecosystem. There are not only many maritime living organisms which depend on coral reefs, but also human tourism industries and seafood industries depend on coral reefs for the economic benefits. In addition, part of the function of coral reefs is preventing the shoreline from being destroyed from "tropical storm waves" (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par.10), which can reduce land's soil into the sea. Unfortunately, human activities cause many impacts that threaten coral health, such as ships hit coral reefs. For example, in 1993 to 1994, there were about 500 ships grounding in the Florida Keys. (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10). In the Florida Keys, there are more than "three million people who visit the keys" every year (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10), because many tourists like the clean water and beautiful coral reefs and fishes. But too many tourists cause local residents to build more ships, ports, and other facilities for entertainments, which had cause coral reefs to face that threat. There are some reasons causing coral dying in the Florida Key, including water pollution, urban development, introduced species, overfishing, boating, global climate change or global warming, diseases and coral bleaching, such as "the sea temperatures globally in 1998 were high. And 1998 was the worst year ever recorded globally for coral bleaching," which was caused by global warming, caused many coral reefs to die in the world (Segelken, 1999, par. 9&11).

The Florida Keys depend on many beautiful coral reefs that bring to the local economy things such as tourism and food industries, and it is one of the Earth's most important ecosystem, but recent years the Keys coral death has been occurring so suddenly and rapidly, we should get to the bottom of the dying coral reef ecosystems. Because of human actives such as pollutions, overfishing, over developed...etc, most of coral are dying from tern temperature change, coral bleaching, and diseases. So, there are some things we should do to protection coral reefs ecosystem, such as decreasing pollutions from farmlands, industries, and domestic water. First, educating the local residents and tourists is a good way to protecting coral reefs ecosystems. Secondly, making strong laws and enforce is not only protecting coral reefs and decrease number of ships around the areas of coral reefs, but also brings some benefits for fishermen and tourists. Moreover, there are some things anyone can do for improving coral reefs predicaments, such as avoiding puts pollutants and sewage into sea, reducing uses fuel sewage for decreasing carbon dioxide in greenhouse gases.

To begin with, we should know how important the coral reef ecosystem is. In economy, local residents earn the money from tourists who come to the Keys for looking and playing clean seawater, and amazing coral reefs and fishes. If humans destroyed the coral ecological balance, may be the Florida Keys would not have people willing to come. According to the article of Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, coral reefs offer habitat and foods for several hundred species of marine lives, such as fishes, and sea turtles. On the other hand, because of a coral ecological imbalance, if coral reefs don't have good health or die, and then many fishes and other species would leave or died. At the same time, the Keys will not attract tourists who come again. According to the news writer of States News Service, coral reefs supply about "$375 billion to the world economy or more $3 billion to Florida per year from recreation, tourism, food, pharmaceuticals, and other purposes" (2004, par. 1), so the coral reefs are very important to the coastal economical future.

In the marine ecosystem, there are many marine lives whose life depends on coral reefs or has cooperation relationship. For example, "A complex of microscopic plants", which are called "tiny algae or zooxanthellae, lives in coral tissues, offers the energy or oxygen to coral reefs "from photosynthesis", and these kinds of plants are getting nutrients from animal wastes (Florida department of Environmental Protection, 2005, par. 3). According to the article of Coral Reefs Alliance, "Coral Bleaching", "zoozanthellae" has some dyes and lets coral to become colorful, so when coral became white that shows the coral under threatened and probably would die (2002, par. 1). These threats are caused by the local chemical pollutions from industries and agriculture, sediment and flood from rivers, outbreak of sea anemone, and temperature change etc. (Coral Reefs Alliance, 2003, par. 2). However, there reasons were mostly from human activities, the global warming already happen and caused a lot coral reefs death on global coral bleaching event in 1998 (Segelken, 1999, par. 9&11). When the coral reefs dies, then fish will lose their home, and then the Florida Keys will quickly decease their economy from the commercial fishing because it "bring many millions of dollars to the state" every year ((Florida department of Environmental Protection, 2005, par. 4). So, local people should control their pollutions and avoid dumping into rivers and sea are necessary. Also, all humans can do some thing to decrease carbon dioxide into air, and decrease greenhouse gases, such as don't burn fuel and wood. Protecting coral reefs ecosystem is protecting earth and other life.
Moreover, over fishing is a serious problem, because it will lead to the imbalance of the coral reef ecosystem. Fishermen caught too many fish and other maritime species to satisfied their demand, but that would cause not only plants to lose nutrients from animals, but also coral reefs loss balance from coral reefs ecosystem. According to the article of Courrege, a great threat is to the coral reef ecosystem overfishing because fishermen caught the "plant-eating fish" causes more algae, which can demolish coral reefs (2002, par. 4), because it needs enough sunlight, but too many algae cover the surface of seawater. So, fishermen should avoid overfishing in order to keep and sustain the health of coral reefs ecosystem. Particular fishing practices are causing damage, because fishermen used some destructive methods to catch more fishes, such as trawl destroyed coral reefs, and bursting fishes for easing to collect fishes. According to article by Campbell, some fishermen use "cyanide to stun the fish" and catch a lot fishes for earning money from "aquarium industry", but the cyanide can destroy the coral life or degradation (2002, par. 16). On the other hand, the fisherman thinks about "setting up reserves" which were "taking away their livelihood", but the senior director with Conservation International's marine division thinks marine reserves will benefit to coral reefs and other areas (Campbell, 2002, par, 23). I think catching fish without coral reef areas that is a best way to protect the coral reefs from fisherman's destroy and overfishing, because it can keep coral reef ecosystem in the better condition without fisherman's destroying it and make ecological balance for fish and coral reefs, and than other areas around the marine reserves will have more and more fish to live. So, it also benefits to fishermen.
Fishermen should keep the coral ecosystem sustainable, by catching as many fishes as they need, because decreasing yields are necessary for keeping a balance of the coral ecosystem, because coral reefs are main habitats of fishes and other maritime species. According to Bowles, C., in his article, he mentions Grego Hodgson (director of the Reef Check Foundation in LA) who said "the two biggest causes of coral death are still overfishing and climate change" (2002, par5). So, strong laws should been made for restricting fishermen.

Too many recreation boats and fishermen caused many coral reefs to die and the imbalance of the coral ecosystem, and the laws didn't protect the coral reefs. For example, "the 1996 Magnuson-Stevens Act will reduce penalties and regulations for overfishing, making it harder to prosecute people who overfish" (Courrege, 2002, par. 14), this kind of laws seems to protect the fisherman, but not coral reefs. So, people should look at the fact of the laws if are really protecting the coral reefs and improving the serious problem of overfishing. Furthermore, there are many cases of boats hitting coral reefs in the Florida Keys, which cause many coral reefs damage. According to article of Courrege, fishing boats had increased "from 37,435 in 1964 to 166,343 boats in 1998, increased rate of 344 percent in South Florida", and among these boats had "667 boats damaging coral reefs in the Florida Keys in 2001" (2002, Par. 11&12).

Laws should be made to strongly limit and be strictly enforced the overdevelopment and overfishing in the Florida Keys for protecting coral reefs. Because of the Florida Keys are a tourist attraction, a lot of local people and tourist industry's life depend the tourists. So in the Keys developed many travel service, such as airport, ports and hotels that can threaten the coral reefs. For example, wastewater and sewage from hotel through river into sea impacts coral and fish health. I think that marine life must have clean seawater because fishes get disease, and then human eat them that also damage to human health. The Florida Keys seems too crowded because there are "three million people who visit the keys, and more than 80,000 people who live full time" (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10), in the small area with many people cause many pollution. So, people should make a law and strictly enforce to reducing developments and pollutions in the Keys. For example, tourists must pay the money to the Florida government when they go to and play at the beach. And the money can be used on cleaning pollutions on the sea. Also, tourist industries should pay money to government for using on marine researches and reducing pollutions into the sea, such as waste water processing stations that is only protecting marine lives, but also river's lives.

Finally, reducing human activities can be less threatening to coral reefs ecosystem, such ship drives through shallow waters along the coast of coral reefs areas, and divers should learn how to avoid harming the coral reefs. For example, "snorkelers standing on coral and destructive fishing methods" (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10). So I think that fisherman, snorkelers and divers should learn about how to care for coral reefs. Moreover, human sewage and chemical pollution can cause coral reefs getting diseases. For example, researchers of University of Illinois found the unhealthy coral reefs, which included some "metals such as aluminum, cadmium and zinc, are common pollutants from oil refineries", they think these pollutant may be a main reason of causing coral to get disease (Kloppel, 2001, par. 3). In 1975, a lot of oil had been spilled about "26 miles" around the Florida Keys, which caused coral reefs were covered by oil, and some "pearl oyster, black mangroves, and other speices" (Evans, Scott, & Davison, 2001, p. 60).

There are some things humans have to do for protecting the coral reef ecosystem, such as reducing use fuel, decreasing boats, cleaning rivers, decreasing pollutions into sea, and cleaning sewage. Also tourists shouldn't bring coral to their home and stand on coral reefs. The governments should make more conservation areas for coral reef ecosystem, and laws to limited fishermen. Also, coast areas should stop to overdevelop. If we can decrease greenhouse gases which can not only survive coral reefs and fishes, but also survive Earth's lives.

In conclusion, coral reefs are very important things for human life and marine life, so we should protect them from human impact, such as overfishing, pollution, overfishing, habitat destruction, sedimentation, sewage discharge, eutrophication, oil pollution, outbreak of sea anemone, coral bleach. Stopping over-development is the better way for protecting coral reefs. By keeping coral reefs ecosystem can be sustainable now, and we can see and eat marine species forever. Also we can take a trip to Florida any time because coral reefs will be there.

Courrege, D. (2002, July 10). Recreational fishing as destructive as commercial boats,
marine group says. Naples (Fla.) daily News. Retrieved Feb. 27, 2005 from
Southeastern Fisheries Association, Inc.
Courrege, D. (2002, July 10). Recreational fishing as destructive as commercial boats,
marine group says. Naples (Fla.) daily News. Retrieved Feb. 27, 2005 from
Southeastern Fisheries Association, Inc.
Campbell, T. (2002, February 15). A system important for global biodiversity and
economics. CNN.com. Retrieved Feb. 27, 2005 from www.cnn.com Evans, Donald L, Gudes, Scott B, & Davidson, Margaret A. (2001). Oil Spills in Coral Reefs (p. 60). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Segelken, R. (1999, Jan 22). Coral bleaching and death could be early warning of environmental change, Comell Ecologists warn. Cornell News. Retrieved Feb. 27, 2005 from www.news.cornell.edu
ICRIN news writer. (2002). Coral Bleaching. The coral reef alliance. Retrieved Feb. 27,
2005 from www. coralreef.org/factsheets/coralbleaching .html.
Author of Florida Department of Environment Protection. (2005, January 20). Florida Reefs
Facts. Florida Department of Environment Protection. Retrieved Feb. 27, 2005 from
Author of Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. (2001, January 31). Sanctuary
Resources — Coral Reefs. Retrieved Feb. 27, 2005 from
www.fknms.nos.noaa.sov/sanctuarv resources/morecoral.html

Monday, March 07, 2005

Sierra Club Initiates Legal Action to Clean Up Coal Plant Proposal

This article is about the legal action taken by the sierra club to stop the construction of several tecnology-outdated coal-fired power plants in Illinois. The Sierra Club is concerned with the health of Illinois residents and is pressing Illinois Governor Blagojevich not only to require the new coal-fired power plants to have state-of-yhe-art tecnology to reduce emissions, but also to shut down twenty-two obsolete coal-burning power plants built in Illinois in the 1970's. Their main health concerns are because of a very direct air pollution effect that increases cardiopulmonary diseases and the high mercury percentage found in fish caught from several water bodies in Illinois, which can be traced to emissions (in U.S. from all possible mercury emissions sources, 41% of it comes from coal burning power plants) from these outdated coal burning power plants. The sierra Club is raising awareness on the high environmental and health impact that the actual "Coal Rush" can have on Illinois Residents.


I agree with Sierra Club actions to protect Illinois residents by requesting Governor Blagojevich to upgrade emissionn control tecnology. These tough regulations must be applied not only on these types of power plants, but also on new vehicles that are sold in the state by automotive industry, as an overall plant to reduce air pollution and decrease cardiopulmonary incidences in the population in general

Friday, March 04, 2005


EAP2 WW051

The destruction of the tropical rainforests
Tropical rainforest is a thick forest in tropical parts of the world that have a lot of rain. The forests role not only maintain the climate but also offer useful resources to us. They are the biological heritage that deveopled over billions of years. Though they are very precious resources to us, we are destroying the tropical rainforests at random. So twelve percent of all Brazil’s rain forests have already been destroyed. And the rainforests are being destroyed more and more. But the problem is that we could not give up both saving resource and protecting forests.
The rainforests are being destroyed not out of ignorance or stupidity but largely because of poverty and greed(Taken from Robinsin, M. H.(1996) The fate of the tropics and the fate of man ZooGoer, 3,P.6). Demand for hardwood in industrial nations has risen dramatically since 1950, and many tropical countries have hardwood timber as well as low labor costs. Consequently, much of this demand has been met by developing nations. Tropical nations also use large quantities of wood for fuel.(Taken from the Global Ecology handbook 1998). But one obvious thing is run out of forests. Continued degradation and elimination of these interdependent and vulnerable tropical forests could eliminate several hundred thousand to over a million species by the year 2000. Since less than 5 percent of all tropical forests receive any protection, mass extinctions of species appear certain.(Taken from the global ecology handbook 1998).
I think that the destruction of the tropical forests is the most serious problem. Because we should get resources from the forests. Without wood, we could not build houses and so on. But we should think about our future. Wood is not renewable resource. Wood is just potential resource. That means wood could extinct like dinosaurs. If wood is extinct forever, we could not live any more. Because the forests offer fresh air and main environmental equality. So we should protect the forests. Although we could not cut nothing, we could cut the forests the minimum. Finally I think that we should protect the destruction of the tropical rainforests. This way is how to save our environment.

Ehrlich, P. (1987, Jun). Multinational Monitor, P. 6.
Myers. N. (1998). The Global Ecology Handbook.
The Global Ecology Handbook. (1998)



In the article, “Unpredictable art of tacking a hurricane”, from Warren Richey, the author introduces predicting the path of a hurricane and the method to reduce the damage of the hurricane. The author first introduces the effort of meteorologists to predict the hurricane and took the example of actual strong hurricane. Furthermore, the author also says that main purpose of a hurricane research team is an early- warning system. Sometimes they fail in the forecasting. And sometimes they success in the hurricane forecasting. The author writes that they confirmed the direction of the hurricane to the satellite picture at the past. Recently they are using a more developed method using sensors. The sensor plays the role that they predict various numerical values and to reduce the damage of the hurricane. Lastly the author writes the data which we can gain from sensor could decrease the danger of hurricane.
To begin with, recently we had an earthquake damage at Indonesia. Many people died and buildings were broken. During I watched in the news, I was very frustrated. Most frustrating thing is that they could not predict at all. Therefore they were damaged badly more. Of course, this article is about hurricane. But I think a kind of disaster. So I want to show just example. I think the most important thing is that meteorologists should protect a route of the hurricane.
I think that we need the effort of meteorologists to predict the route accurately. Every kind of equipments should be developed more and more. If the hurricane came once, these are very important a fast judgment of meteorologists and quick shunt of people.
Consequently, we can not keep the hurricane to the power of the human. But we must make efforts to reduce the damage of the at least. I think that meteorologists make more better equipment. If the hurricane is the area to happen much, we must prepare the condition to shunt fast.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Chapter 8 summary Tomomi Ikeuchi

Chapter 8 summary

In chapter 8 of Sarah, Plain and Tall, many important things happen. First, Sarah put on Jacob’s overalls. Second, she says, ’I want to learn how to ride a horse.’ and ‘I want to learn how to drive the wagon, by myself.’ Fourth, she run from the barn into a sheet of rain. Fifth, Sarah touched Papa’s shoulder. Finally, Papa put his arm around her and learned over to rest his chin in her hair.
Tomomi Ikeuchi

Haruka Kawano Chapter 8 summary

Haruka Kawano

Chapter 8 summary

In chapter 8 of Sarah, Plain and Tall, many important things happen. First, Sarah dressed in a pair of overalls. Next, she said, ‘I want to lean how to ride a horse,’ and ‘I will ride Jack.’ Also, she said ‘I am a good carpenter.’ On the other hand, Anna tears gathered at the corners of her eyes, but there was no time to cry. Jacob ordered them ‘to get horses inside and to get the sheep and cows’ because hail was coming. Finally, Sarah said, ‘My chickens!’ and ran from the barn into a sheet of rain.

Chika Azuma Chapter8 Summary

(Chika Azuma)

Chapter8 Summary

In Chapter8 of Sarah, Plain and Tall, many important things happen. First, Sarah puts on Jacob’s overalls. Second, Sarah said, “I want to learn how to ride a horse.” Third, Sarah said, “I will ride Jack.” Next, Sarah said, “I am a good carpenter.” Also, Anna’s tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. Sarah said, “My chickens!” and run from the barn into a sheet of rain, too. Finally, Papa put his arm around Sarah and leaned over to rest his chin in her hair.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Coral feefs in the Florida Keys

Argumentative Essay

Coral reefs are important to our life because they are the home of many million fishes and other species. Coral reefs with fishes and other species make a coral reefs ecosystem. There are not only many maritime organisms living depended on coral reefs, but also human tourism industries and seafood industries depend on coral reefs for the economy. Unfortunately, human activities cause many impacts that threaten coral health, such as ships hit coral reefs. For example, in 1993 to 1994, there were about 500 ships grounding in the Florida Keys. (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10). In the Florida Keys, there are more than “three million people who visit the keys” (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10), because many tourists like the clean water and beautiful coral reefs and fishes. But too many tourists cause local residents to build more ships, ports, and other facilities for entertainments, which had cause coral reefs that face threat.
In the Florida Keys depend on many beautiful coral reefs that bring to local economy such as tourism and food industries, and is one of the Earth most important ecosystem, but recent years the Keys coral death has been occurring so suddenly and rapidly, we should get to the bottom of the dying coral reef ecosystem.
To begin with, local residents should know how important the coral reef ecosystem is. Because local residents earn the money from tourists who come to the Keys for clean seawater, and amazing coral reefs and fishes. If humans destroyed the coral ecological balance, may be the Florida Keys would not have people willing to come. Because of a coral ecological imbalance, coral reefs don’t have good health or died, and then many fishes and other species would leave or died. At the same time, the Keys will not attract tourists who come again. According to the news writer of States News Service, coral reefs supply about “$375 billion to the world economy or more $3 billion to Florida per year from recreation, tourism, food, pharmaceuticals, and other purposes” (2004, par. 1), so the coral reefs are very important to coastal economical future.
Laws should strongly limit the over-development in the Florida Keys to protect the coral reefs. Over-development can affect coral reefs ecosystem because airports, ports and hotels can threaten the coral reefs. For example, wastewater from hotel through river into sea impacts coral and fish health. Marine life must have clean seawater because fishes get disease, and then human eat them that also damage to human health. The Florida Keys seems too crowded because there are “three million people who visit the keys, and more than 80,000 people who live full time” (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10), in the small area with many people cause many pollution. So, people should make the law to reducing developments and pollutions in the Keys.
Finally, reducing human activities can be less threat to effect coral reefs ecosystem, such ship drives through shallow waters along the coast of coral reefs areas, and divers should learn how to avoid harming the coral reefs. For example, “snorkelers standing on coral and destructive fishing methods” (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10). So I think like fish man, snorkelers and divers should learn about how to care for coral reefs.
In conclusion, coral reefs are very important things for human life, so we should protect them. Stopping over-development is a better way to protect coral reefs.

Posted by Yen

Impact coral in Florida Keys - Outline

Preliminary Outline

I. Introduction
A. Background Information

1. Why should we care about coral reefs?
a. Coral reefs offer habitats for million fish and other species.
b. Coral reefs support the significant tourism industry depends on
the clean seawater and amazing coral reefs and fish.
c. Coral reefs bring to local many economic benefits, according to
the news writer of States News Service, coral reefs supply about
“$375 billion to the world economy or more $3 billion to Florida
per year from recreation, tourism, food, pharmaceuticals, and
other purposes” (2004, par. 1).

2. Why do the impacts threatening on coral reefs?

a. Anthropogenic disturbances, such as Increasing the tourism industry causes water pollution.
b. Natural disturbances, such as unusual temperature changes that sea-surface continues warming effect the coral life (Kirby, 2004, par. 2).

B. Nature of problems

1. Natural factors effect coral health.
For example, in 2002, the Black water caused some coral reef death in the Florida Keys because it included many “toxic and non-toxic microscopic plants” (Gutro, 2003, par. 1)
2. Human activities threaten coral reefs ecosystem.
For example, boatman drives ship with careless, and diver stands on coral, such as in 1993 to 1994, there were about 500 of ships grounding in the Florida Keys. (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10)
3. Coastal developments contaminate coast and seawater, such as increasing tourism industries earn a lot of money and promote local economical growth (States News Service, 2004, par. 1).
4. others

II. Thesis: although the local people depend on tourism and food industry for earning money, getting to the bottom of their economic lifeline is from the coral reef ecosystem.

III. Main arguments

1. Local residents should know how important the coral reef ecosystem is.

2. Laws should limit over-development in Florida Keys for protecting coral reefs.

3. Reducing Human activities threaten coral reefs ecosystem, such ship drives through shallow waters along the coast of coral reefs areas, and divers should learn how to avoid harming the coral reefs.

IV. conclusion

A. People should know or learn about coral reefs.

B. People should do something to protect the coral reefs.

C. I suggest that law should limit the over-deployments in Florida Keys.

Posted by Yen

Impact coral in Florida Keys-proposal

Research Paper proposal

I became interested in one of most important thing of the sea of Florida Keys that is coral reef ecosystem after I read some articles about it. Coral reefs offer habitats for million fish and other species, such as home. Also, Coral reefs support the significant tourism industry depends on the clean seawater and amazing coral reefs and fish, and bring to local many economic benefits, according to the news writer of States News Service, coral reefs supply about “$375 billion to the world economy or more $3 billion to Florida per year from recreation, tourism, food, pharmaceuticals, and other purposes” (2004, par. 1). Unfortunately, human and nature cause some problem to effect the coral life. Anthropogenic disturbances, such as increasing the tourism industry causes water pollution. Natural disturbances, such as unusual temperature changes that sea-surface continues warming effect the coral life (Kirby, 2004, par. 2). Although coral reefs provide local many economic benefits, local people and tourists’ actions were sometimes a threat to the life, of the coral reefs ecosystem. For example, boatman drives a ship carelessly, and divers stand on corals, such as in 1993 to 1994, there were about 500 of ships grounding in the Florida Keys. (Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2001, par. 10). Moreover, Coastal developments contaminate coast and seawater, such as increasing tourism industries earn a lot of money and promote local economical growth (States News Service, 2004, par. 1). There are not only artificial factors, but also the natural factors impact the coral reefs too. For example, in 2002, the Black water caused some coral reef death in the Florida Keys because it included many “toxic and non-toxic microscopic plants” (Gutro, 2003, par. 1).
In the Florida Keys depend on many beautiful coral reefs that bring to local economy such as tourism and food industries, and is one of the Earth most important ecosystem, but recent years the Keys coral death has been occurring so suddenly and rapidly, we should get to the bottom of the dying coral reefs ecosystem.
I will write some thing that people should be done for protecting the coral reefs. Firs, Local residents should know how important the coral reef ecosystem is, because their economic source is from the coral reef ecosystem, and clean water. Second, Laws should limit over-development in Florida Keys for protecting coral reefs because that will cause more than more pollutants. Finally, reducing human activities can be less threat to effect coral reefs ecosystem, such ship drives through shallow waters along the coast of coral reefs areas, and divers should learn how to avoid harming the coral reefs.
I have found some articles that show some information about how important coral reefs are to me. Moreover, I found some websites that can help me doing my paper. I still need some articles about why some coral reefs get disease or death, which I hope it can show to people know human influence and threaten coral health.

Posted by Yen

Understanding of Coral Reefs

Summary and Response #2
In the article, “Coral Reefs”, J.S Levinton describes coral‘s growth, types, areas of distribution, and threats. In the first place, he explains that coral’s size depend on the “amount of carbonate calcium”(Levinton, 1982) in its frame, also different types of corals can grow quick or slow, for example branching corals can grew very swiftly, but they are easily destroyed by strong storms or human activities. In addition, the coral’s age can be calculated, like calculating the tree’s age. There are two kind of coral’s propagation, which are asexual reproduction or sexual propagation, also the producing of sexual reproduction is very wonderful which it happens on “August full moon in the Florida Keys” (Levinton, 1982) every year. Next, the coral reefs have three different types, which are “barrier reefs, fringing reefs, and atolls” (Levinton, 1982). Moreover, the distributional areas of coral reefs depend on their level of emerge and “amount of wave action” (Levinton, 1982). For example, Soft corals are Caribbean characteristic, such as sea whips and sea fans. In the most important thing is the function of coral reefs, which are preventing the shoreline from being to destroyed “tropical storm waves”, and offer habitat for several hundred species of marine lives, such as fish. Furthermore, coral reefs also offer coast’s economic benefits, such as diving, snorkeling, and sport fishing…etc. Unfortunately, the aggravation of the oceanic environment causes condition of coral health that became to go down. For example, In Florida Bay, there was a decreased freshwater flow that caused “sponge and seagrass die-offs, and fish kills” (Levinton, 1982). Also, the tourists damage the coastal environment, which can be discriminated between “direct human impacts” and indirect human impacts (Levinton, 1982). The coral reefs bring or offer to marine life and human economy and entertainments, but some people don’t know how to treasure the valuable coral.
To begin with, humans usually only consider how to have fun on their trip, but they forget the coral reefs are the most important things that offer habitat for many beautiful marine life. Assuming there weren’t any coral reefs, and then there would not be many beautiful marine lives. At the same, if the human will go to diving or fishing, or not. After that the local economy will descend. So, people should consider more about their activity if can effect the coral life or not.
The valuable coral reefs offer many species life, and supposing they are destroyed, then human will not have delicious food from sea to eat, because the coral protect these marine lives from tropical storm waves. Humans dump a lot of pollution into sea that can effect these coral’s health and marine life’s survival. Such as, tourist waste, pleasure-boat waste and dash against coral. So, human activities are most important key to destroy coral.
So, when people travel to beach, I hope people don’t make any human waste into seawater. Also, when people leave, they can do some things to protect the marine life and coral reefs such as picking up and clean up your own trash. Encourage your friends to protect and don’t touch coral reefs with you, if you are a dive.
In conclusion, coral reefs offer to human economy and entertainments, and give many species to life. So, people should know the protecting coral is very important thing because human and marine lives should depend on its functions.

Levintion, J.S. (1982). Coral Reefs. Marine Ecology. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.
Retrieved Feb. 03, 2005 from Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary website.
Posted by Yen

Heat Impact Coral Life

Summary and Response #1

In the article, “Some Tropical Corals Can't Take the Heat; Smith College Study Shows Some Reefs May Disappear If Sea Surface Continues to Warm”, Kristen Cole writes that the researchers of Smith College found if the “sea-surface temperature” changes, this can impact coral subsistence. To begin with, the researchers made a test which separates some corals from the heating sea waters to observing the death of corals. They found if the “sea-surface temperature” keeps changing it would impact the marine ecosystem. Moreover, the main thing the different temperature will affect is the protein, which is most element affecting coral flexibility or frailty. The protein allows it to adapt to temperature change if it has it will live, if not it will die. The Temperature anomalies unusual change had caused many corals to die in 1998, “such as in southern Florida”. Lastly, the sciences think if the sea-surface continues, warning will affect the tropical zone of the globe. It seems like not possible to change the unusual sea-surface continuing warning nowadays.
First, the global warming was caused by human activities which are ruining the environment. Nowadays, although some people try to improve the usual phenomenon, prevention of global warming will take a long time to prevent and improve ecological environment. For example, the ozone hole has been destroyed for several decades already. Although most people have stopped using ozone depleting substances for several years, the hole is still on the ozone layer at the present time. So, I think if the sea-surface temperature change can cause the corals death, and then a lot the ocean’s coral will die in next several years or several decades.
Moreover, humans can destroy things very quickly, but they can’t save and improve the environment quickly. People should think more about what they are doing if they are destroying the ecological environment, or not. Humans have very limited power to save nature, but we can do something to prevent other pollutions that continue to degenerate the environment. For example, we can prohibit human domestic water and industrial sewage from going into the sea.
In conclusion, we can’t stop global warming as soon as possible, but we can do something to prohibit human activities to continue destroying the ecological environment. This may be an only way to get our environment better. If we protect and stop destroying the environment, we would have more coral to see in the future. If not so, the global warming will not only impact the coral, but also humans will be impacted, such as injurious by ultraviolet rays.

Colek, K. (2004). Some Tropical Corals Can’t Take the Heat; Smith College Study Shows Some Reefs May Disappear If Sea Surface Continues to Warm. Ascribe Newswire. Retrieved by Jan. 27, 2005 from Lexis-Nexis website.
By Yen

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Southern Illinois Bobcats

In the article, “Bobcat”, the author describes bobcats and their distribution, etc. To begin with, he talks about the bobcat’s appearance: that it is double the size of a house cat, and its height can be 20-23 inches. Its length can be 30-35 inches and weight can be 10-40 pounds. Bobcats were distributed in Illinois when the first Europeans came here. Unfortunately, the bobcat began to decrease in the 1880s, and it was the first threatened species of Illinois’s list in 1977, because of its “Habitat changes and unregulated harvest”. Until the early 1990s, bobcat’s number was beginning to increase, and in 1998 bobcats were put away from the Illinois’s threatened species list in 1998. Its distributions are in the southern and northwestern Illinois. Bobcats like to live not only in forest land or wooded areas, but also close to humans. They are a kind of nocturnal animal. Male may need about 8 square miles of activities area, and female may need about 3 square miles. Because Illinois has better protections of bobcat from hunting, the there begin to increase the number of bobcats in the early 1990s. Currently most deaths are caused by car, and small cats are usually killed by “coyotes, domestic dogs, and owls”. Bobcats use their sharp visioning and hearing to catch their food. They usually eat “rabbits, squirrels, birds, and mice, etc. Their mating season is from January through June, and the mating peak is in February, one female can generate 1 to 6 babies, but usually 2 to 3 kittens. Finally, the author writes that protecting forests is most important for animals because it is the home of plants and animals. Appropriate cutting down of trees is good for wildlife because forests, animals, and plants need enough sun-light.
I learned from the article of Bobcat, which let me know about the bobcat and its condition. Illinois did a good job for bobcat because in the past, the bobcats were an endangered species in Illinois, but now they had been getting away from the endangered species list since 1998. According to the article, the author talks about how humans should cut down some trees to offer more sunlight to wildlife, but I don’t agree with the author’s idea, because a long time ago, when the humans never touched these forests, most wildlife could live well without human activities or cutting trees. I don’t know why human should cut down some trees in order to give more sunlight to forest’s animals and plants. So, I think that human should let the natural world makes its own ecosystem without human activities, because the natural world has its own rules.
Retrieved from Bobcat.
By Yen

Going with the flow?

The article, "Going with the flow?" from the Economist, the author mentions the debate about that fresh water should pour into Florida's Bay, or not. There are widely spreading coral and many species of animals which depend on coral. But, those are decreasing now. Some environmentalists and the American government, consider that pouring fresh water is the best solution of the problem, which is a dying coral. The reason is that Florida's marshes suffer from salt damaging. So, they believe that Florida's marshes require fresh water. However, other environmentalists consider that pouring fresh water cannot care about coral, and they believe that problem is a sewage discharging. In addition, the author mentions about economy of Florida that depends on visitors, so, if Florida's coral were to extinct in the future, it would lose industry of tourist.
I do not agree that the idea of pouring water into Florida's marshes, because this is not obey the natural rules which means normal environmental law. In addition, nobody decides the problem of dying coral. Perhaps, these are true that not only the idea of suffering from salt water but also the author points out that bacteria increase for fresh water. However, the American government does not have to pay for pouring water because if we meddle to nature, we do not go back again. We should entrust with natural power. Of course, at first we must not blot the water in Florida.
The American government should pay money for sewage protecting. I already know that Florida has a lot of illegal cesspit, and sewage from there to sea. The central disposal system is a good solution of sewage problem. However, the government does not like to make a new sewage protecting system, because this needs a lot of money. Obviously, much sewage destroys Florida's corals. So, the government should not regret paying money for environment, and we need to think about taking care of environment.
Many environmentalists argue that which one is better way to do pouring water, or not. But, it is true that they really think about Florida's future. I think sewage is main reason of dying corals. However, I believe that both environmentalists' goal is one. That is a regenerating corals and a recovering clean sea.

The Economist. (2002, November 30). The Economist 365, 8301, p71. Retrieved from EBSCO, Academic Serch Premier Database, Jun. 26, 2005.

By Masaki

Future of corals is going down the pan

According to M. Schrope in “Future of corals is going to down the pan,” Florida’s corals suffer from a pollutant which is human waste. In Florida, there is the “third largest barrier reef” on the earth. However, a lot of corals are dying from bacteria and viruses. Those causes are from human waste. Over the past five years, half the number of corals have died. Many people argue about what the main problem of dying corals is, but they cannot identify a main cause. Some people insist that the specific reason for the corals dying cannot be found. But, the author believes that reason for the corals dying is sewage from human life. In fact, it is a fact that “over 24,000 septic tanks and up to 10,000 illegal cesspools,” and sewage go in to Florida’s sea. However, many politicians do not accept making the “centralised sewage system,” and they say that it is too expensive to do this.
I agree, with what the author points out, that the reason Florida’s coral is dying, is sewage from human’s everyday life. We should think about our waste management and Florida’s government must promote the “centralised sewage system.” At first, we need to notice that our stool and urine are dangerous substance for corals. Perhaps, we think that the reason for dying coral is pollutant from factory or farm. However, our sewage is a pollutant. Our life cannot avoid evacuation, but we can think about how to take better care of our drainage. For example, when we wash dishes, we should wipe dirty dishes before run water. If we do not throw oil and dirty water from a drain, Florida’s sea water would be cleaner.
In addition, Florida’s government has to make the “centralised sewage system,” because there are a lot of illegal cesspools in Florida. Those cesspools may overflow and run in to the river. If all Florida’s sewage disposal system was perfect, coral would not need to die. So, we really need the “centralised sewage system.” We should use the money for a protection in the environment, because this means the investment for our future. For example, if Florida’s coral die out and Florida’s sea is dirtier than now, Florida loses a lot of tourists. In fact, making the “centralised sewage system” is very expensive, but Florida’s government should still make it.
In conclusion, Florida’s coral is facing extinction by dirty water from human life. I think we have to consider our environment, first. Moreover, government should support the “centralised sewage system,” I believe this method can save corals, and can help recover Florida’s coral. So, we ought to think again for our future.

Schrope, Mark. (2002, Aug 10). Future of corals is going down the pan. New Scientist 175, 2355, p.11. Retrieved from EBSCO, Academic Search Premier Database, Jun. 26, 2005.

By Masaki

Scientists tracking cougars' eastward migration

Cougar is a deer hunter in the nountains. He seems to be seekinh the simple things in life. Acutually there are 21 cougars in the Midwestern states and one Canadian province. And some data is the most credible of data on cougars' eastward migration. So scientists have started to about how cougars may fare. Rising cougar populations and habitat loss are main factors in the felines' recent forays east. In that case, these cougars should be released like pets. There are no reasons to lock cougars. And they are not dangerous animals for people. So we would like to help their successful arrival and we could co-exist.
I think that cougar is nor dangerous animal but necessary. This is because there are so many deer in the mountains. They eat grass or something. If their numbers are more incredibly increased, their living patterns will be changed in the near future. So cougars could maintain the number of deer. This is the most important reason to unlock cougars. And the second reason I think that cougars are protected. Because they are important ecological like other animals. So we should help cougars to have their habitat.

by Sang Hee